Package: cmsafops 1.4.1

Steffen Kothe

cmsafops: Tools for CM SAF NetCDF Data

The Satellite Application Facility on Climate Monitoring (CM SAF) is a ground segment of the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT) and one of EUMETSATs Satellite Application Facilities. The CM SAF contributes to the sustainable monitoring of the climate system by providing essential climate variables related to the energy and water cycle of the atmosphere (<>). It is a joint cooperation of eight National Meteorological and Hydrological Services. The 'cmsafops' R-package provides a collection of R-operators for the analysis and manipulation of CM SAF NetCDF formatted data. Other CF conform NetCDF data with time, longitude and latitude dimension should be applicable, but there is no guarantee for an error-free application. CM SAF climate data records are provided for free via (<>). Detailed information and test data are provided on the CM SAF webpage (<>).

Authors:Steffen Kothe [aut, cre], Danny Parsons [ctb]

cmsafops.pdf |cmsafops.html
cmsafops/json (API)

# Install 'cmsafops' in R:
install.packages('cmsafops', repos = c('', ''))

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Doc / VignettesOKAug 28 2024
R-4.5-winERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.4-winERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.4-macERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.3-winERRORAug 28 2024
R-4.3-macERRORAug 28 2024


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Help pageTopics
cmsafops: A package for analyzing and manipulating CM SAF NetCDF formatted data.cmsafops-package cmsafops
Function to combine ACSAF NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region.acsaf_box_mergetime
Add grid infoadd_grid_info
Function to combine NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region (and level).box_mergetime
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.calc_allDatesNc
Routine to calculate overlapping time periods in two files.calc_overlapping_time
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.calc_timestepNc
Change attributes of a NetCDF variable.change_att
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.check.coordinate.system
Determine absolute valuescmsaf.abs
Add the fields of two input NetCDF files.add cmsaf.add
Add a constant to a dataset.addc cmsaf.addc
Routine to adjust the time dimensions and coordinates in two files.cmsaf.adjust.two.files
Concatenate datasets of several NetCDF input
Linear detrending of time seriescmsaf.detrend
Divide the fields of two input NetCDF files.cmsaf.div div
Divide data by a constant.cmsaf.divc divc
Apply Mann-Kendall trend
Multiply the fields of two input NetCDF files.cmsaf.mul mul
Multiply data with a constant.cmsaf.mulc mulc
Estimate regression parametercmsaf.regres
Calculates the rmse, mae, bias, correlation in grid space of two NetCDF files. Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.cmsaf.stats
Calculates the rmse, mae, bias, correlation over time of a NetCDF file and a dataframe (station data). Designed for the CM SAF R
Subtract the fields of two input NetCDF files.cmsaf.sub sub
Subtract the fields of two input NetCDF files (relative). Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.cmsaf.sub.rel
Subtract a constant from a dataset.cmsaf.subc subc
Transform the coordinate system to -180 to 180 longitude of an infilecmsaf.transform.coordinate.system
Determine daily averagesdayavg
Determine daily maximadaymax
Determine daily meansdaymean
Determine daily minimadaymin
Determine daily percentilesdaypctl
This function determines the diurnal range.dayrange
Determine daily standard deviationsdaysd
Determine daily sumsdaysum
Determine daily variancesdayvar
Divide by days per month.divdpm
Extract levels from 4-dimensional NetCDF files.extract.level
Remove a time period.extract.period
Determine correlations in grid space.fldcor
Determine covariances in grid space.fldcovar
Determine the spatial maximumfldmax
Determine the spatial meanfldmean
Determine the spatial minimum.fldmin
Determine the spatial rangefldrange
Determine the spatial standard deviationfldsd
Determine the spatial sumfldsum
Determine the basename of a NetCDF fileget_basename
Get dates and times from NetCDF type date format.get_date_time
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.get_dimensions
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.get_nc_version
Get processing time stringget_processing_time_string
Convert time steps to POSIXct.get_time
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.get_time_info
Determine maxima of selected grid boxesgridboxmax
Determine means of selected grid boxesgridboxmean
Determine minima of selected grid boxesgridboxmin
Determine ranges of selected grid boxesgridboxrange
Determine standard deviations of selected grid boxesgridboxsd
Determine sums of selected grid boxesgridboxsum
Determine variances of selected grid boxesgridboxvar
Determine hourly meanshourmean
Determine hourly sumshoursum
Function to combine NetCDF files and simultaneously cut a region and level.levbox_mergetime
Grid interpolation.map_regular
Determine meridional meansmermean
Number of timesteps per month above a threshold.mon_num_above
Number of timesteps per month below a threshold.mon_num_below
Number of timesteps per month equal a threshold.mon_num_equal
Determine monthly anomaliesmon.anomaly
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.mon.anomaly.climatology
Determine monthly averagesmonavg
Determine mean monthly daily variationsmondaymean
Determine monthly maxima.monmax
Determine monthly meansmonmean
Determine monthly minimamonmin
Determine monthly percentilesmonpctl
Determine monthly standard deviationsmonsd
Determine monthly sumsmonsum
Determine monthly variancemonvar
Multiply by days per month.muldpm
Determine multi-monthly meansmultimonmean
Determine multi-monthly sumsmultimonsum
Get information about the content of a NetCDF file.ncinfo
Number of timesteps above a threshold.num_above
Number of timesteps below a threshold.num_below
Number of timesteps equal a threshold.num_equal
Designed for the CM SAF R Toolbox.read_file
Read NetCDF variable.read_ncvar
Grid interpolation.remap
Determine running maximarunmax
Determine running meansrunmean
Determine running minimarunmin
Determine running rangerunrange
Determine running standard deviationrunsd
Determine running sumsrunsum
Determine seasonal anomalies.seas.anomaly
Determine seasonal meansseasmean
Determine seasonal standard deviationsseassd
Determine seasonal sumsseassum
Determine seasonal variancesseasvar
Select a region by longitude and latitude.sellonlatbox
Extract a list of months.selmon
Extract a list of dates.selperiod
Extract data at a given point.selpoint
Extract data at multiple points.selpoint.multi
Extract specific timestep.seltime
Extract a list of years.selyear
Determine all-time average.timavg
Determine correlations over time.timcor
Determine covariances over time.timcovar
Accumulate data of NetCDF file.timcumsum
Determine all-time maxima.timmax
Determine all-time mean.timmean
Determine all-time minima.timmin
Determine percentile over all timesteps.timpctl
Determine all-time standard deviations.timsd
Determine time selection meanstimselmean
Determine time selection sumstimselsum
Determine all-time sum.timsum
Determine linear trends.trend
Determine multiple linear trends.trend_advanced
Determine the weighted spatial mean.wfldmean
Determine multi-year daily maximaydaymax
Determine multi-year daily means.ydaymean
Determine multi-year daily minimaydaymin
Determine multi-year daily rangeydayrange
Determine multi-year daily standard deviationsydaysd
Determine multi-year daily sumsydaysum
Determine multi-year daily running means.ydrunmean
Determine multi-year daily running standard deviationsydrunsd
Determine multi-year daily running sumsydrunsum
Determine annual anomalies.year.anomaly
Determine annual maximayearmax
Determine annual meansyearmean
Determine annual minimayearmin
Determine annual rangeyearrange
Determine annual standard deviationyearsd
Determine annual sumsyearsum
Determine annual varianceyearvar
Determine multi-year monthly maxima.ymonmax
Determine multi-year monthly means.ymonmean
Determine multi-year monthly medians.ymonmedian
Determine multi-year monthly minima.ymonmin
Determine multi-year monthly standard deviations.ymonsd
Determine multi-year monthly sums.ymonsum
Determine multi-year seasonal maxima.yseasmax
Determine multi-year seasonal means.yseasmean
Determine multi-year seasonal minima.yseasmin
Determine multi-year seasonal standard deviations.yseassd
Determine zonal meanszonmean
Determine zonal sumszonsum